Monday, June 23, 2014

6 Weeks To Go!

Well we are 34 weeks today. Only 6 weeks to go, holy crap!  That is hard to believe.  We have had two doctors appointments since the last post.  I am measuring 2.5 centimeters (or 2.5 weeks) behind what I should be.  Our doctor has told us not to be too concerned that she could be sititng in a spot which doesn't stick out as much, or that I just won't pop out that much.  I do feel that she has been laying low, and her butt on one side and head on the other.  All the movement I feel is on either side of my belly button.  And at the last appointment, she was transverse, so makes sense.  She has been moving (more rolling and pushing around rather than kicking) and hiccuping a lot so I know she is OK.

My belly button has begun to stick out a bit, you cant see it through my shirts yet, but you can see it pop a bit on my bare belly.  I still feel really good.  I get sleepy every afternoon, and take a nap if I can, if I don't get one in I usually pass out about 9 at night.  I am sleeping fine, and moving around fine.  I have mininal swelling in my feet and hands, the more humid then the more I swell. I still have my rings on, when I take them off there is a bit of an indent in my skin, but they are not uncomfortable yet.  I don't want to take them off though :(

Her room is, for the most part, done.  Just a few more things to hang up and a bit more organizing and we are set.  I owe most of that to Leah.  She came to stay with us for about a week and thanks to her, the room got put together.  We sorted, organized, and strategized her room.

We had a shower in Owatonna and got a ton of cute clothes and blankets.  We have a shower in Ida Grove this weekend and I'm sure we will get lots of good stuff.  Mary threw me a surprise shower, where some of her friends got together and gave me gifts, bath works, lotions, advice.  We had lunch and chatted, it was fun.

July 4th is next week already, I can't believe it.  She will be here before we know it.  I hope we will be ready!