Whoops!! I have really put this off. Just like my teenage 'promises' to write in my journal daily, I have let this update do our lives slide. So I will start where I left off.
The end of my pregnancy went well. I felt fine, no complaints. My appointments were fine, until my 38 week appointment. At this appointment (on a Tuesday) my blood pressure was high. The doctor told me to check my blood pressure before my next appointment and if it's high to call them. I did not take this too seriously and left the appointment. Friday I had to go to a HyVee and decided to check it. It was basically what it was at the appointment. 149/79 ( I think, don't really remember). So I called in and left a message with the nurse. I then went to mercy hospital to visit my friend and her new baby. While there the nurse called me back and told me to go home and do count kicks. But on my way to my car they called back and told me to go to Methodist West instead and they would do a stress test on her. So I call Matt say it's no big deal they are just running a few tests and I would call him when I leave.
I remember thinking to myself as I walked in the maternity ward doors "next time I walk through these I will be in labor, weird". So I get set up in a room, they make me put on a gown and start doing their tests. About 45 min later a nurse comes in and says well we are admitting you. I respond, "what does that mean" she said well we are going to induce you. My response "No". Nurse then says well you don't really have a choice we don't want you to get sicker. And I say "I'm sick?idon't feel sick " apparently high blood pressure and labor don't make for a good combination, you could bleed out, is what they told me anyway.
Anyway, I was not ready, this was not the way I wanted to have my baby. I had envisioned being home, calling Matt saying it was time. Him racing home to pick me and the hospital bag up. Calling his parents saying we were going to the hospital so they could come stay with Harvey. Then before walking out the door kiss each other and say this is it. You know, all fairy tale like. Instead, when they told me they were inducing me all I could do was sit there thinking about no, I'm not ready. I left Harvey at home fully thinking I would be back home to walk him, our hospital bags are not ready and packed, I still needed to clean her room. I don't feel like I'm ready to have a baby physically, Im not sick of being pregnant yet. But all that didn't matter, it was happening, and it was happening this way. So I called Matt abd told him I was being induced , he left worked and zipped up to the hospital. When he walked in I wanted to cry. I felt like we were robbed of the surprise of her coming.
So at 130 pm Friday July 25 they started me on cervadel. They said I probably wouldn't deliver until Sunday because my cervix was still hard and I was not dilated. I asked to eat something because I had only had 2 eggs at 700 that am after Matt and I got home from the gym. I was allowed to eat one sandwich and one side then after they it was a clear liquid diet. I had an egg salad sandwich and cottage cheese. We made calls to our parents about 3 saying we had been induced. So my mom took off from TML to head to DM. About 600 pm I started to cramp like period cramps. The cervadel was doing its job. About 830, matts parents came to visit and my mom had just got to the hospital. 900, the nurse kicked everyone out because I started to have light contractions and the nurse gave me a sleeping pill to rest up since they thought we would be in labor for so long. We said our goodbyes and I tried to sleep. But by 1000 the contractions hit hard. I could not get comfortable, could not sleep, I thought I would throw up. My blood pressure at this point had gotten to 170/90or something close. The nurse came in to check on me and it felt like I peed. I said I think I wet the bed, she looked at. E weird, checked me, and said no that was my water breaking. I was dilated at a 4 and thank The Lord able to get an epideral. He came in 10 minutes later and I got the drug. Unfortunately it did not work. So 45 minutes later still in crazy pain he made me an offer, get another one or try to deliver like this. These contractions suck ass like me again doc, I'll have another. Thankfully, 10 minutes after the second epidural I was basically pain free. All this occured at about 1230 am. The anithesiologist was still in the room and I said that I think I had to poop (about 1245 ). Nurse said uh oh, and checked me I was dilated at 9.5. That apparently was the anesthesiologist cue to leave. The nurse called the doc saying I went really fast and will be delivering soon. She hung up and I said I need to push , she said no don't do that yet. I.m sorry but is like telling the sun not to be hot, it's going to happen.
So I start pushing, it's just Matt, the nurse, and me and all my glory in the room. Doc comes in a half hour later and I'm still f-ing pushing. 2 hours later they tell me her head is half out and I'm almost there. I do not believe them because they had been saying that for eternity now. So I touch down there to feel her head. Big mistake! I felt only 2 fingers worth of her head and I flopped back saying " you lied she isn't close, I can't do this". I had been up since 500 am the day before, it is currently 500 am on the 26th, I have no food in me, but I do have a sleeping pill in me, and I have now been pushing for 2 hours! I really did not think I could go on. I was telling them to pull her out or give me a c section anything to get her out of me. Matt said the nurses were laughing , apparently I was pretty comical, even though I was being dead serious. So I say to my doctor you gotta do something, help me out. She offered an episiotomy and I said if she isn't out In The next two pushes, cut me. Oh, by the way, she wasn't coming out because her head was stuck in my pelvis for a good hour. So I get an episiotomy, and little peanut comes out soon after.
5:38 am on July 26 Berklee LaJune entered the world. All 20 inches and 7.4 pounds of her. She was beautiful and red with big dark eyes, and a big bruise on her head from blood pooling in that spot while she was stuck in my pelvis.
But wait, we aren't done with delivery, my placenta broke into pieces when she was pulled out so the doctor had to manually extract it. Meaning hands inside me searching for placenta pieces. Worse than contractions and pushing. I had to be connected to a drip for 24 hours after that to make sure I didn't get an infection. And I hemmoraged, after delivery so I bled a lot more than usual.
Was it all worth it-YES
Was it fun-NO
Did it hurt-HELL YES
Would I do it again- YUP, if I'm blessed again.
My husband was an amazing support during labor and now we have a beautiful baby girl