Blowouts galore! As of lately poo has been seeping from her leg holes. And if it doesn't come out there, it shoots up her back. We are in size 2 and size 3 is too big. *sigh* good thing I love laundry! HA
I know it's going to be bad when she grunts and pushes for a bit and nothing comes out right away. And then all at once, explosion. Of course this happens right after I change her wet diaper. This child of mine is hilarious when she poops. Call me immature, but I can't help but laugh when she grunts, pushes, and gets red in public. And I swaer it happens at the most inappropriate times: at the vet's office as she is talking to me about Harvey's possible food allergy, at church during prayer, at a restaurant while the waiter is taking our order. Maybe it is the uncomfortableness of the situation, or the embarrassment that gets me; whatever it is I get the shoulder shaking giggles.
Well enough of that sh*t, literally.
Berklee has been a rockstar at tummy time. She is doing more than just sucking her hand and lying there. She is pushing herself up, kicking her legs, and screaming. Yup, she discovered she has a high pitched yell. It's cute. Even cuter when Matt matches that shrill yell so that she does it back. I love them. Harvey likes tummy time too, he lays right next to her and then when I pick her up after she is done, he licks up her drool.
Tummy time break.
Soon she will be rolling over. It will be fun to see how Harvey reacts when she starts rolling/crawling towards him.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Mama needs a pot-of coffee that is
UFFDA! I feel like I went back in time to 3 months ago. Overly tired and easily irritable. However, this time, it isn't because of Berklee (mostly). Last night I kept hearing loud pops coming from behind our house. I got up to look out the window and could see 3 little flames, like from a lighter, at our fence line. It scared me, Matt was at class and I was home alone with the baby. Harvey was home but he is no attack dog. He is a lover not a fighter and afraid of EVERYTHING, he was actually under the bed growling; very helpful in making me freak out more. I couldn't help but think, are they waiting to see someone in a window and fire something at that person, waiting for someone to come outside and attack them? I called Matt and told him what I saw/heard. He was just about home and when he was pulling in saw 3 teens taking off towards the pond in our neighborhood. This all occured at 10:00. It was quiet for awhile then the noises began again until probably midnight, finally I could sleep. 4 AM baby girl woke up happy/sad, you know, all baby bipolar. She is happy to see me because I can feed her, but pissed because I am not feeding her at that EXACT moment. 4 AM, ugh, the time change. We fall asleep for barely an hour more and then it's up for the day. YAY ( insert sarcasm).
So, mama needs a pot of coffee, but only because it isn't socially acceptable to have a drink this early. Yes I am tired. Yes I am a tad grumpier than usual. But what really has me needing that drink is what hit me this morning, and it hit be like a brick to the face. I HAVE A GIRL. In 16 short years those popping sounds may be rocks being thrown up at her window instead of (what we can only assume were) bottle rockets. The boys that were out and about causing ruckus are the same boys that will be chasing after her. And if time goes by as fast as it has, it will be here before we know it.
Don't blink
Don't wish time away
Savor the days you need coffee, and dread the days you need something stronger.
I am here NOW with a 3 month old baby girl, a skidish dog, and a busy, but loving husband. And I will enjoy every last drop.
So, mama needs a pot of coffee, but only because it isn't socially acceptable to have a drink this early. Yes I am tired. Yes I am a tad grumpier than usual. But what really has me needing that drink is what hit me this morning, and it hit be like a brick to the face. I HAVE A GIRL. In 16 short years those popping sounds may be rocks being thrown up at her window instead of (what we can only assume were) bottle rockets. The boys that were out and about causing ruckus are the same boys that will be chasing after her. And if time goes by as fast as it has, it will be here before we know it.
Don't blink
Don't wish time away
Savor the days you need coffee, and dread the days you need something stronger.
I am here NOW with a 3 month old baby girl, a skidish dog, and a busy, but loving husband. And I will enjoy every last drop.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
B is a bee
Halloween has come and gone. Berklee was a Bumble Bee ( a few days before Halloween at a party)
As you can see, she loved it. It was a body suit, I did not know this when I bought it online. Come on, who makes a costume for an infant that is a body suit. The only opening was in the crotch, so the whole thing had to go over her head. It did not slide over her body very easily. It was hot; and the yellow and black fuzz came off very easily. She had fuzz sticking to her head, hands, neck roll, and it was getting in her mouth. I was constantly picking fuzz off her lips and hands. The costume was on just long enough for pictures. Not a great buy on my end, but she was a cute bee. We decided to just dress her in a boo shirt and socks and a ruffle butt on the actual day of Halloween.
Now it is November. Daylight saving's time has ended. I was excited about getting an extra hour of sleep. HA, I forgot that baby girl does not have sense of this and instead of up at 6 or 7 (like normal) she woke up at 4. Go figure, my excitement of getting extra sleep is dashed by her waking up unusually early. I know, I should be grateful that she sleeps through the night, and I am. Just find it ironically funny that the night of an extra hour, she gets up an extra hour early. Hmmmm, what other tricks are up your sleeve Miss B? Can't wait for all the other unexpected situations she will bring us.
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