Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Ma'am, your wallet fell off your car!"

Yup, the title says it all.

I never had pregnancy brain but am making up for it now. Holy cow, I am more spacey than ever. Blame it on exhaustion or that every brain cell I have is constantly thinking "keep that baby alive", but almost everything not Berklee related slips my mind. For example I knew I had a dentist appointment at some point because it was on my calendar. I saw it the day before and crap, needed to find someone to watch a Berklee in short notice; thank you MIL. Also, I often forget to eat, especially in the AM. But the most recent, and the most eye opening DUH moment was a gut sinking, self angering moment; and it went like this.

My mom was in town so we were going to run a couple errands, the three of us.  First, we went to the gym, then of course a Target stop to get diapers. Got the diapers time to put everything in the car. My mom gets in, I set my wallet on top of the car to put the baby in, put the diapers in, put the cart away, then put myself in. And we are off!  I get onto the interstate and hear something, look in my rear view mirror just in time to see something fly and hit the car behind me. Thinking,  Hmm WTH, then out of my mouth " &u@$", my wallet flew off my car onto the interstate. Gut sinking, how the hell did I let that happen?!?!  Frantically I look for the next exit, and because I was panicking I took the wrong exit and took me 20 minutes longer to get back to the area. But the whole time the car behind me followed me to tell me that my wallet flew off my car. Thank you very kind people for telling me. sorry I probably gave you a heart attack when it hit your car, I hope it didn't break your window, I carry a lot of change.
I call the police station and a cop meets me at a gas station to discuss operation wallet retrieval.  First thing he says "at least it wasn't your baby". "You are right officer, if it was I think we would be having quite a different conversation."  "Gma can stay with baby, you get in with me."  Awkward stillness, my response "Do I get in the front or back?"  He gives me a gentle chuckle (thank God) and tells me to hop in front. So we head on the interstate and what do you know, there is my wallet. He puts his lights on so traffic will go to the other lanes and picks it up gets back in, pulls to the shoulder tells me to look it over and he goes back out to hunt for loose articles.
As he is hunting, I look through my wallet and my ID is whole (thank you Jesus, we all know how much of a pain the DMV is), my health insurance and car insurance card and PetCo card is there. And half of my debit and credit cards. The change in my wallet cut them in half; I really shouldn't carry so much. My checkbook, dental card and gift cards were missing. About 20 minutes later he comes back to the car with my halved cards, my checkbook as well as checks that had blown out, and a magnetic purple K. He said he didn't think the K was mine but found it fitting due to my name being Keefer.
The only thing He ended up not finding was one check, and my dental card. Everything else was recovered, isn't that amazing?
The ironic part is that a few days before,I was going to bring coffee to a police officer who was sitting in his car in a parking lot but Berklee got fussy so I decided to just go home. I told him this and he said " God didn't want you to do that at that time and so he set up an opportunity to send me to you". How amazing was that?!  I offered to buy him lunch or a pop or coffee and he refused. I was blessed to have this happen it may have been inconvenient but God had a plan. I was supposed to have an encounter with an officer, but not the way I had planned.
We said our goodbyes and I told him thank you a million times. Then I smiled and thought about how incredible God is, and how he knows your thoughts and your intentions. But puts you in situations more humbling and eye opening. I think God was saying to me, Heidi be present, take your time, ENJOY everything in front of you. So I will try to be less absent minded and more in tune with my surroundings.

Thank you to the officers and others who serve our community. And I pray that God keeps them safe.

By the way the K is on my fridge as a reminder.

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