I love you more than words, really, I do. I promise you once I'm not so tired, I won't bark at you for petty things like: dinner with no bib, Jammie shirt on backwards, lotion not being completely rubbed in, her dinner bowl still sitting on her high chair...your dinner bowl sitting on the counter. So when I voice, probably not such sweet words, just know that hiding under all the nastiness is the unspoken "thank you for feeding her, bathing her, and dressing her." I know you are also tired.
I love you more than I show. We give a quick goodbye peck, welcome home peck, and a goodnight peck. All expected. I promise I am still sexy and spontaneous somewhere under my unmade face, messy hair, and crusty baby food stuck clothes. When we lay down at night and I tangle my feet in yours please know that you are still desired.
I think I am getting the hang of mommy hood (for the most part) but I am not doing a good job at being a wife. I promise I have not forgotten about you. I could not do all of this without you, I would not be who I am without you. I promise that I still want to BE with you. I love our quick kisses and I often think about longer, more intense kisses, but somehow I forget to go through with it. I still share my body with our daughter, and maybe that makes me a little hesitant towards you.
You are the best daddy to our little girl. You love her so much and that makes me love you more. You may do things differently than I do, but you are an active, involved father. So THANK YOU. I will make a better effort at telling and showing you I LOVE YOU.
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