Saturday, October 25, 2014

Perfect morning

Every morning is perfect if it includes coffee; but today is especially perfect.

The sun is not quite up yet and already I can say this is my favorite moment of the day. My heart is full, and so is our bed. I am the only one awake propped up in bed sipping my coffee. My baby's head is pressed against my side sleeping peacefully, her little body taking up more room than needed ( she sleeps like her mommy; arms above head and legs all over the place).  Next to her, her daddy is curled up facing her, as if protecting her in his sleep. And our beloved puppy is lying on my feet at the foot of the bed, which is rarity these days-he would rather pout under our bed.

Even though everyone else is asleep, I feel like the lucky one.  I get to take in this beautiful scene.
Already this morning, I have fed and changed my baby girl, then daddy changed her again :), I let the dog out, pumped, cleaned up the kitchen and made coffee. It is 7 AM. I could go back to sleep, but I choose to use this moment to thank God for this morning and pray for many more like it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A few of my favorite pictures

ok, now that my photos seem to pull up, I will post photos with current blog posts. But I wanted to get a few of my favorites up.
Snuggles with Harvey


At volleyball practice, just hanging out

No words

First real smile (5 weeks)

They love each other 

Trip to Dana Point Cali ( 8weeks)

So happy!

Uncle Casey meets Berklee for the first time

Look at those cheeks

So serious

Burberry baby. Thanks gma 

Berklee is here-photos

Apologies for the delay, but for some reason I was not able to see my pictures when I went to upload them.
 She is here! July 26, 7#4 oz. 20 inches.
 Daddy's girl

 "Mom no more photos!"

About to go home!
Home with puppy brother Harvey. 

Rest of the pregnant pics.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Well we are 6 days away from Berklee being 1/4 of a year old.  Ok so most would say 3 months, but 1/4 of a year sounds more dramatic and that is how I feel about it.  I feel like throwing a fit and crying, HOW CAN SHE BE 3 MONTHS ALREADY?!?!?!  I cannot believe my baby girl will be 3 months, it went by so fast! I have yet to go through her closet and dresser to box up her newborn and too small 0-3 mo clohing.  I cannot bring myself to do it. It needs to be done soon, so I can stop getting annoyed while I shuffle through her pants and onesies finding ones that fit.

This post is titled reflections because I want to reflect on the best 1/4th of a year of my life.

I have looked through the photos on our camera, from her first breath until just yesterday at the pumpkin patch.  It is amazing how much she has changed.  How have I missed this?  Of course I see her everyday and she is beautiful everyday, but she is so different from when I first laid eyes on her.  She still has her chubby cheeks and still hates to be moved. But her eyes are different, her cry is different, her head is different (now kind of flat on one side), and her being is different.  I know this is a GOOD thing, she is growing, she is thriving-doing what babies should be doing (God has blessed us). But I can't help and feel sad that with every day that she grows she is getting more independent.
This is my baby, the one who made me a mommy, and there are not enough hours in the day to appreciate every little thing about her.  I am going to make a pro and not so pro list of her first few months just to help me remember the little things.

*She's here, and she is ours (Thanks God, you did well)
*She was an easy baby, hardly ever cried
*She was healthy

Not So Pro
*Waking up 3 or more times in the night
*I felt like a lifeline, and that she didn't "love" me

*She was more alert and make eye contact
*That first, real,beautiful smile at ME!
*Still an easy baby
*Still healthy

 Not so Pro
*Sometimes we would have a bewitching hour or three
*Her first shots-worse for me I think

*She coos, she coos the cutest coos there are
*she gurgles, blows spit bubbles smiles all the time, and has baby laughs
*She is mostly happy
*She turns and looks for me when she hears my voice in a room
*she sleeps through the night
*She loves to cuddle
*She is still healthy (Again, God has blessed us)

Not so Pro
*She sleeps through the night which means in the AM she is a roaring bear until I give her my booby
*She is growing crazy fast. Out of clothes and out of diapers.  (Once again, this is a good thing, just on the pocketbook, not so great).

I can't get over how blessed God has made us.  We say our prayers every night thanking him for making us a family.  And I pray every night that she will not have to stuggle health wise, or see us struggle in that way.

We are fortunate to have our baby girl, and as much as it saddens me she is growing so fast, we are looking forward to watching her continue to grow.

Monday, October 6, 2014

I think I can, I think I can...

So life of as lately has been that motivational saying. Some days are harder than others. Like screw the glass, I need a bottle of wine hard. But other days can be a breeze.  The days that are really difficult coincidentally are the days I have no coffee. Mommy +no coffee = " I think I can" mantra.
I love coffee, I could seriously drink a pot to myself. But I don't, I used to but not anymore. Speaking of things I used to do: wear one outfit ALL day,  have energy to do anything,  walk my dog, have some drinks without worrying if my milk was tainted, oh wait I didn't have to do that last one because my boobs weren't  a milk dispenser.

I know it all sounds awful doesn't it?  Well it's not. I wouldn't change it for anything. I have gotten used to not putting on nice clothes until right before I walk out the door and  my hair always some how ends up smelling like spit up.  I can smell B on me when I am not with her and I miss her.  I know we are blessed that we get to "complain" about being tired and what not, and we do not take it for granted. Beyond mommy hood, I feel like my wifeness is slacking. The house isn't as clean as it should be, I forget to kiss my husband sometimes, and when we go to bed, I'm pretty sure I am asleep before my head hits the pillow. I am chalking up my weaknesses to being a newbie at this balancing mommy and wife thing.

What else hmm, my body is not back to normal. Not back to my normal size. Was really hoping i would magically be back to my normal size.  *sigh* sooooooooo I've started working out. Today was day one :). I did some burpees, abs, squats, and high knees. I was dying. I have zero ab strength left.  I figure if I do just a little everyday, or 4-5 days,  I can eventually get to where I want to be. Still have 13 pounds to go.

Berklee is 2 months old, she is  cooing,  smiling, laughing, and drooling. At her 2 month appt she was 12#11 oz, 23 1/4 inches and a ball of cuteness. She is so adorable, so good, and only fussy every once in a while.  She has been to California for a wedding, feet in the Pacific Ocean. She has been to my moms in Omaha, and Matt's parents in Knoxville (Iowa). I think we will be staying home got the next couple months.

"I think I can I think I can" be a better wife, mommy, and blogger.