Thursday, March 27, 2014

She is kicking!!

I went to West Palm Beach, Fl to visit Casey and Meghan for a week. My mom and grandma also flew down.  We did a bit of shopping, watched some basketball (NCAA tourney), and some sun bathing. We drove down to Marco Island and visited my cousin and her family and aunt. It was beautiful!  First time in my 2 piece with a belly!  

The last night that we were at Casey's we were sitting and watching TV and I could feel her flipping around and all of the sudden I could see her kicks from the outside. I screamed "oh my god you can see her".  My mom got to feel her for the first time. Casey's response was "that's gross". :). It was a little creepy to see at first but also amazing!  Now she is kicking and moving a lot more and you can see the little twitches more often.

Matt got to feel her move for the first time last night. He had the biggest smile on his face. He loves her so much already, I can't wait to see him hold her.  At 21 weeks, to feel and see her kick, is a blessing. God is amazing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Baby K is a....

GIRL!  Guess the old wives tale is true. Not sure how much I buy into it, but it is pretty crazy that he follows me around everywhere and baby is a she.

Matt and I had the ultrasound and we saw the feet, hands, legs, head, spine, and the bum. The tech confirmed we wanted to know gender before she told us it was a she. This ultrasound was not 4d so it was difficult to tell what is what, and the spine photo makes her look like a stegosaurus. O well I love our little Dino.

After our appt Matt and I went shopping, a few spring clothes for me and our daughter's first dress :).    We called my mom and gma, Matts parents, and then siblings and friends.  Many (including us) thought we were having a boy, so we got a lot of surprised happy reactions.   We are beyond excited, and I am very happy that Matt will get a "daddy's girl".

Monday, March 10, 2014

19 weeks/Boy or Girl

We are now 19 weeks.  The baby bump app says baby boy or girl is a little over half a pound and half a foot.  Still seems so small, but my tummy is starting to round a bit more.  I am very blessed that our little nugget is growing, but in all honesty, adjusting to a protruding belly is somewhat difficult.  I don't know if women do not talk about this because they feel guilty, or if they don't feel freaked out about it at all and it is just me.  Either way, having a tummy is, for me, kinda scary.  Do I feel guilty saying that? Yes, I know some women would give up anything to be able to experience pregnancy.  Do I feel ashamed? NO!  I am by no means a fitness guru, nor do I have a rocking body.  But I care about my body and I have worked on it from time to time over the years. It seriously is like you go to bed being able to see your pubic bone, thighs, knees, and toes; and then you wake up and you can see your thighs, knees, and toes but your pubic bone is gone.  Then later you wake up and your thighs are get where I am going with this.  It says some adjusting to, and every once in a while I feel "fat" not pregnant and get discouraged.  But then he/she moves and I think this is OK, my body is no longer just MY body.

Oh ya, baby girl/boy flops around.  I can't feel distinct kicks but I feel flops, almost like the feeling you get while on a roller-coaster, a weird dropping feeling.  I am probably going to make this kid feisty because when I haven't felt anything in awhile I push on my tummy to get him/her to move. Doesn't always work.

Harvey is still all up in face ALL the time.  Follows me from room to room and sits, if not on me, right next to me.  I don't mind, he's warm.  Tomorrow we find out if the old wives tale is true (Harvey around me all the time means it's a girl) but I still think boy.  We are excited to find out, I thought maybe I would have some second thoughts and might want to be surprised.  NOPE, I have to know!