Monday, February 9, 2015

The "I" Word That Leads to War Among Parents

This topic is frustrating, uncomfortable, and hits a lot of nerves. I do not have the background to say YES you need to immunize or NO you should not immunize but I do have my opinion.

I am not a gambler. I do not place bets that hold more merit than a back rub. I do not leave circumstances up to chance if the situation can be controlled.  That being said I respect that all families can make their own decisions for religious reasons or personal beliefs. But if your decicion is to take a chance, than I also have the right to run in the opposite direction as you. And I have the right to be upset that my family has to avoid places where there are large crowds because my daughter is too young to be immunized; without your eye rolling or judgement that I (will) put "chemicals" in my child.

This topic is difficult to talk about and ends up being one side vs the other and leaves parents scrambling to defend themselves against each other. I run from you because I believe that is what I need to do to protect my baby.  You take a chance because that is what you feel will protect your family. Next time we meet, and I cross the street, rather than rolling our eyes and muttering burning insults at one another  why don't we lock eyes and SEE that each of us is just trying to do what we believe is best for our families.